
Common questions about Sphere

How do I view my Sphere?

Once you've logged in to Sphere with your Slack account, a new Slack App will appear, called "Sphere". Click this, and select the "Home" tab to see your Sphere.

What data do you store?

Our privacy policy goes into more detail about the data we store, and why, but in short, we only store your name, email address, and the credentials required to connect to your third party services using oAuth. You can revoke Sphere's access to your third party connections at any time.

When will your premium service be available?

We're working hard on our premium service, and are expecting to launch in the coming months. If you're interested in trialling it early, reach out to us on Twitter @_sphereapp.

Why aren't my blocks working?

There are a number of reasons a block might show an error. To self-diagnose, you could try reconnecting to the relevant Provider in your Dashboard. If that doesn't work, reach out to us on Twitter at @_sphereapp.

I have more questions!

You can reach out to us on Twitter @_sphereapp.


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